Oracle Database

Course Content

Lesson 1: Introduction to Oracle Database

  1. Basic of relational database
  2. Different types of SQL statements

Lesson 2: SQL SELECT Statement

  1. List the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements
  2. Select All Columns, Select Specific Columns
  3. Arithmetic Operators and Operator Precedence

Lesson 3: Restrict and Sort Data

  1. Describe WHERE clause
  2. Comparison operators and logical operators
  3. Describe ORDER BY clause

Lesson 4: Single-Row Functions

  1. Differences between single row and multiple row functions
  2. String manipulation functions
  3. Describe ROUND, TRUNC, and MOD functions
  4. Arithmetic with date
  5. Manipulate dates with the DATE functions

Lesson 5: Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions

  1. Describe TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions, Handle NULL values
  2. Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement

Lesson 6: Group Functions – Aggregate the data

  1. Describe the use of the aggregation functions
  2. Describe GROUP BY clause
  3. Describe HAVING clause

Lesson 7: Joins – Get data from multiple tables

  1. Access data from more than one table
  2. Type of joins – Self joins, Outer joins, equi joins

Lesson 8: Sub-queries

  1. Describe the types of problem that sub-queries can solve
  2. Describe sub-queries
  3. List the types of sub-queries
  4. Explain single-row and multiple-row sub-queries

Lesson 9: Data Manipulation Statements

  1. Describe different type of DML statement
  2. Describe INSERT statement
  3. Describe UPDATE statement
  4. Describe DELETE statement
  5. Describe COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements
  6. Explain read consistency

Lesson 10: DDL Statements - Create and Manage Tables

  1. Categorize the main database objects
  2. Review the table structure
  3. List the data types
  4. Add constraints to the table

Lesson 11: Schema Objects in Oracle

  1. Simple and Complex view
  2. Retrieve data from views
  3. Explain Sequences
  4. Explain Indexes
  5. Explain Synonyms

Lesson 12: Control User Access

  1. Type of privileges - system privileges and object privileges
  2. Describe Users and Roles
  3. Grant System Privileges
  4. Grant Object Privileges
  5. How to pass on privileges
  6. Revoke Object Privileges

Lesson 13: Schema Objects management

  1. Add, Modify, and Drop a Column
  2. Add, Drop, and Defer a Constraint
  3. Enable and Disable a Constraint?

Lesson 14: Data Dictionary Views

  1. Data dictionary - Overview
  3. Query the dictionary views for constraint information