.NET Programming

Course Content

Lesson 1: C# - Object Oriented

  1. Getting Started : Expressions, Types, and Variables
  2. Control Statements - Selection, Loops, Methods, Namespaces, Classes
  3. Inheritance, Polymorphism, Properties, Indexers, Struct, Interfaces
  4. Delegates and Events, Exception Handling, Attributes, Enums, Overloading Operators
  5. Encapsulation, Generic Collections, Anonymous Methods, Working with Nullable Types

Lesson 2: Sql Server 2012

  1. RDBMS Concepts, Data Types, Operators, Expressions
  2. Create Table, Insert Query, Select Query, Where Clause, AND & OR Clauses
  3. Update Query, Delete Query, Like Clause, Group By, Distinct Keyword, Constraints
  4. Using Joins, Unions Clause, NULL Values, Indexes, Truncate Table, Views, Having Clause
  5. Date Functions, Sub Queries, Stored Procedure, Triggers

Lesson 3: ASP.NET 4.5

  1. Introduction of Asp.Net, Environment, Life Cycle, Event Handling
  2. Server Side, Server Controls, Client Side, Basic Controls, Directives, Managing State
  3. Validators, File Uploading, Ad Rotator, Calendars, Multi Views, Panel Controls, Data Sources
  4. Data Binding, Custom Controls, Personalization, Error Handling, Debugging, Security, Data Caching
  5. Web Services, Multi-Threading, Configuration, Deployment
  6. ADO.net
  7. Using LINQ, JQuery, JSON,
  8. AJAX Controls, CSS